We've been trying to decipher the video upload system for Google+ events over at the +STEM on Google+ Community share your story event. It's messy and doesn't work as you might expect it to on first glance. The short version of the story is this: 1. You can upload videos into events, but it seems they have to be encapsulated in albums that already exist. 2. You won't see the video in your album, but go ahead and add the album to the event anyway. The video will be added. 3. Each photo in 'Photos from Posts' is its own album. Consequently, the easiest way to share a single video to an event is to first share it to your stream to get it into the 'Photos from Posts' album and then, add the video to your event from there. Gory Testing Detail Now, here are all the gory testing details so you know what we saw and also so you'll know you're not going crazy when you run across these problems. OK, here's the latest. I tried to do...