I made a livestream of my POTA activation from US-4571, Juan Bautista National Historic Trail in San Francisco on YouTube last night!
It was pretty fun although the audio mostly didn't work out great. I'll be making notes here and in the video's comments on the QSOs in the vieo over time. (One of the things I learned was that there's no editing or even downloading of YouTube livestreams after the fact.)
Park Details
Here's a look at the QTH. The vertical antenna is taped to a carbon fiber mast that is in turn supported in a tree with electrical tape. You can see the rig on the ground by the tree.
When a touchdown was scored in the SuperBowl at one point, there was a seven minute delay till the next QSO.
QSO Map:
By moving the animation slider all the way to the left, you can see all the QSOs at once. Clicking on play will play the QSOs in order as grey line moves along as it did the day of the activation. Clicing on a path displays a box with more details. All the QSOs have a plausible F2 skip path. There will be more detailed and realistic F2 paths one day.
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