I got my Halikey to work on my ChromeBook again!
Regular readers might remember that I chose poorly when my ChromeBook asked what I wanted to do with the Halikey, assign it to Linux or Android? The correct answer was not to choose.
Both choices are wrong. After a bit, the dialog box will simply disappear if you don't answer. Then, everything works fine.
The settings stored my choice in a place I couldn't find... until today... and so, no more ChromeBook HaliKey for me.
Here's what made everything better.
I went to the ChromeBook's settings and wound up at the Manage USB devices tab. It wasn't easy to figure out. I have yet to find a path to this screen. Here's what you can do. Select settings in your Chromebook. Click into the 'System preferences' tab. Search for usb, but do not hit enter.
Notice the , 'Linux development environment' selection. Choose it from the drop down. Then, click on 'Mange USB devices in that screen. You'll land at the following window where the rest of the process is carried out.
1. On the Project TouCans Fist-o-Gram page I clicked Start Halikey.
2. I noticed the UART appear fleetingly on the resulting diaplog, then disappeared, and then the slider above appeared and turned on. I cancelled out of the Serial Port Dialong Box
3. I turned off the slider in teh 'Manage USB devices page.
4. I clicked 'Start Halikey' again on the Fist-o-Gram page. The HaliKey was in the dialog box!
5. I selected it and clicked 'Connect'.
And now, it just works!
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