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Thing I Learned: CW Scholarship

There's a scholarship available for CW ops! When I wrote the Sprat article on our keyer, I thought I was kidding, but I guess the keyer actually is for kids... er students... ummm not that students can't be older than kid age... Anyway. :)

The CWOps club offers a $1000 scholarship annually for students who operate CW on the ham bands. Here's what a student needs to do to prove they operate CW

"CW Ability: Demonstrated CW operating ability within the last 24 months by providing a copy of a certificate,listing in a magazine showing results or a letter from a person responsible for membership. Examples include but are not limited to the following :

i.  ARRL Code Proficiency certificate at 15 wpm or higher;

ii. Successful completion of CWA Basic Level or higher;

iii. Membership in CWops or HSC or other club where some level of CW proficiency is a requirement for membership;

iv. Participation in a CW contest where the results have been published (participation in a multi-op where the station owner provides a letter saying you operated part or all the event operating CW);

v. Operation in a CW traffic net where the net manager provides a letter attesting to the candidate’s on-air participation; or

vi. Achieving any award where all contacts are CW."

There are So Many Scholarships!

You should also check out the ARRL site for all of the other scholarships that are available. It's a little early/late in the year, but I spotted this today, and I'll forget if I don't write this down now.
