A few days ago, while adjusting the antenna with the radio in beacon mode, I accidentally dropped the end that stretched down to the backyard. The sturdy little radio bounced off of some chicken wire below our back deck. The rig—still embedded in the antenna—was about five feet off the ground, hanging from it's antenna mount on the second floor of the house, and still transmitting. When I got everything sorted back out about half an hour later, I noticed something that seemed weird. The radio had reached W3UA and W3RGA just before it went away during my fixes. I knew I had data on the whole thing, so I put off checking things out until last night.
After I updated my database, I wrote a query that found the dropped antenna data
select rowid, id, tx_lng, tx_lat, rx_lng, rx_lat, timestamp, strftime('%H:%M:%S',timestamp) as tod, dB, frequency, Spotter from rm_rnb_history_pres where "timestamp" > :p0 and tod > strftime('%H:%M:%S','13:01:01') and tod < strftime('%H:%M:%S','16:01:01') order by timestamp
Quickly enough, I found the two stations:
11286 | 1661375211 | -122.42299 | 37.72286 | -112.0417 | 33.3125 | 2023-10-05T14:07:00 | 14:07:00 | 16 | 14058.0 | K7MJG |
11287 | 1661375206 | -122.42299 | 37.72286 | -94.9583 | 39.1458 | 2023-10-05T14:07:00 | 14:07:00 | 9 | 14058.0 | K3PA-1 |
11288 | 1661374995 | -122.42299 | 37.72286 | -122.2917 | 37.8958 | 2023-10-05T14:07:00 | 14:07:00 | 2 | 14058.0 | NU6XB |
11285 | 1661375503 | -122.42299 | 37.72286 | -76.7083 | 40.8958 | 2023-10-05T14:08:00 | 14:08:00 | 3 | 14058.0 | W3RGA |
11284 | 1661376390 | -122.42299 | 37.72286 | -71.4583 | 42.8958 | 2023-10-05T14:10:00 | 14:10:00 | 8 | 14058.0 | W3UA |
11306 | 1661392150 | -122.42299 | 37.72286 | -114.4583 | 51.8125 | 2023-10-05T14:50:00 | 14:50:00 | 10 | 14057.5 | VE6WZ |
11307 | 1661392145 | -122.42299 | 37.72286 | -122.5417 | 49.1875 | 2023-10-05T14:50:00 | 14:50:00 | 6 | 14057.5 | VE7CC |
Notice that everything is going smoothly until 14:08 GMT; then TouCans was spotted by two stations on the East Coast; then it wasn't seen again for forty minutes while I put the antenna back up.
select rowid, id, tx_lng, tx_lat, rx_lng as longitude, rx_lat as latitude, timestamp, strftime('%H:%M:%S',timestamp) as tod, dB, frequency, Spotter from rm_rnb_history_pres where "timestamp" > :p0 and tod > strftime('%H:%M:%S','13:01:01') and tod < strftime('%H:%M:%S','16:01:01') and (Spotter = "W3RGA" or Spotter = "W3UA") order by timestamp
8421 | 1653280026 | -122.42299 | 37.72286 | -71.4583 | 42.8958 | 2023-09-17T14:06:00 | 14:06:00 | 7 | 14057.4 | W3UA |
11031 | 1660548883 | -122.42299 | 37.72286 | -76.7083 | 40.8958 | 2023-10-03T13:09:00 | 13:09:00 | 3 | 14058.1 | W3RGA |
11050 | 1660558911 | -122.42299 | 37.72286 | -76.7083 | 40.8958 | 2023-10-03T13:44:00 | 13:44:00 | 4 | 14058.1 | W3RGA |
11285 | 1661375503 | -122.42299 | 37.72286 | -76.7083 | 40.8958 | 2023-10-05T14:08:00 | 14:08:00 | 3 | 14058.0 | W3RGA |
11284 | 1661376390 | -122.42299 | 37.72286 | -71.4583 | 42.8958 | 2023-10-05T14:10:00 | 14:10:00 | 8 | 14058.0 | W3UA |
Which leaves the question of what—if anything—was going on on the morning of the third. It looks like nothing all that different, but also, TouCans didn't hit W3UA that morning. Expanding the date range and looking only for W3UA using
select rowid, id, tx_lng, tx_lat, rx_lng as longitude, rx_lat as latitude, timestamp, strftime('%H:%M:%S',timestamp) as tod, dB, frequency, Spotter from rm_rnb_history_pres where tod > strftime('%H:%M:%S','13:01:01') and tod < strftime('%H:%M:%S','16:01:01') and Spotter = "W3UA" order by timestamp
4098 | 1573487640 | -122.421006408453 | 37.80776743 | -71.4583 | 42.8958 | 2023-04-12T02:20:00 | 02:20:00 | 3 | 14058.3 | W3UA |
4109 | 1573489297 | -122.421006408453 | 37.80776743 | -71.4583 | 42.8958 | 2023-04-12T02:31:00 | 02:31:00 | 4 | 14058.3 | W3UA |
4122 | 1573490793 | -122.421006408453 | 37.80776743 | -71.4583 | 42.8958 | 2023-04-12T02:44:00 | 02:44:00 | 3 | 14058.3 | W3UA |
4480 | 1578665448 | -122.421006408453 | 37.80776743 | -71.4583 | 42.8958 | 2023-04-20T05:44:00 | 05:44:00 | 2 | 14058.4 | W3UA |
4774 | 1580768206 | -122.421006408453 | 37.80776743 | -71.4583 | 42.8958 | 2023-04-25T03:39:00 | 03:39:00 | 8 | 14058.4 | W3UA |
4844 | 1581046555 | -122.421006408453 | 37.80776743 | -71.4583 | 42.8958 | 2023-04-26T06:16:00 | 06:16:00 | 4 | 14058.4 | W3UA |
4875 | 1581049916 | -122.421006408453 | 37.80776743 | -71.4583 | 42.8958 | 2023-04-26T06:40:00 | 06:40:00 | 4 | 14058.4 | W3UA |
4866 | 1581051306 | -122.421006408453 | 37.80776743 | -71.4583 | 42.8958 | 2023-04-26T06:49:00 | 06:49:00 | 4 | 14058.4 | W3UA |
4892 | 1581052877 | -122.421006408453 | 37.80776743 | -71.4583 | 42.8958 | 2023-04-26T07:00:00 | 07:00:00 | 4 | 14058.4 | W3UA |
4884 | 1581054493 | -122.421006408453 | 37.80776743 | -71.4583 | 42.8958 | 2023-04-26T07:13:00 | 07:13:00 | 6 | 14058.4 | W3UA |
4904 | 1581056299 | -122.421006408453 | 37.80776743 | -71.4583 | 42.8958 | 2023-04-26T07:25:00 | 07:25:00 | 6 | 14058.4 | W3UA |
6216 | 1635201350 | -122.42299 | 37.72286 | -71.4583 | 42.8958 | 2023-08-10T03:26:00 | 03:26:00 | 3 | 14058.1 | W3UA |
6686 | 1639707187 | -122.42299 | 37.72286 | -71.4583 | 42.8958 | 2023-08-17T10:18:00 | 10:18:00 | 3 | 14058.0 | W3UA |
8421 | 1653280026 | -122.42299 | 37.72286 | -71.4583 | 42.8958 | 2023-09-17T14:06:00 | 14:06:00 | 7 | 14057.4 | W3UA |
8580 | 1653816220 | -122.42299 | 37.72286 | -71.4583 | 42.8958 | 2023-09-20T01:11:00 | 01:11:00 | 5 | 14057.4 | W3UA |
8667 | 1654143172 | -122.42299 | 37.72286 | -71.4583 | 42.8958 | 2023-09-21T01:54:00 | 01:54:00 | 3 | 14057.4 | W3UA |
9186 | 1656003250 | -122.42299 | 37.72286 | -71.4583 | 42.8958 | 2023-09-24T03:01:00 | 03:01:00 | 5 | 14058.0 | W3UA |
9169 | 1656014479 | -122.42299 | 37.72286 | -71.4583 | 42.8958 | 2023-09-24T03:16:00 | 03:16:00 | 5 | 14057.4 | W3UA |
10346 | 1659301184 | -122.42299 | 37.72286 | -71.4583 | 42.8958 | 2023-10-01T00:48:00 | 00:48:00 | 5 | 14058.1 | W3UA |
11284 | 1661376390 | -122.42299 | 37.72286 | -71.4583 | 42.8958 | 2023-10-05T14:10:00 | 14:10:00 | 8 | 14058.0 | W3UA |
11520 | 1661557675 | -122.42299 | 37.72286 | -71.4583 | 42.8958 | 2023-10-06T01:07:00 | 01:07:00 | 5 | 14058.0 | W3UA |
11499 | 1661558730 | -122.42299 | 37.72286 | -71.4583 | 42.8958 | 2023-10-06T01:16:00 | 01:16:00 | 5 | 14057.9 | W3UA |
11486 | 1661559149 | -122.42299 | 37.72286 | -71.4583 | 42.8958 | 2023-10-06T01:20:00 | 01:20:00 | 4 | 14057.3 | W3UA |
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