The creators of Bug! Adventures of Forager are coming to our local comic book shop today! Seven year-old No. 1 and I read Bug! starting about a year ago. I picked up a copy when we went to the same funny book shop to meet the creators of another of our favorites, Doom Patrol. Both comic books are produced by the DC Comics imprint, Young Animal. The book written by Lee Allred, drawn by Michael Allred, and colored by Laura Allred picks up where DC's 1988, Cosmic Odyssey left off. Turns out Bug wasn't dead at the end of the '88 book he was, "...merely dormant. Science, blah blah blah." #LinerNotes My stick figure for the Metronsplaing panel vs. Mike's actual art. Dear DC: #IcanHazArtJobNow ? — Lee Allred (@lee_allred) May 12, 2017 Bug, aka Forager, almost immediately encounters a talking teddy bear, and a ghost girl. The three become fast travelling buddies, after an accident triggers a Mother Box made of Dominoes to...