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Showing posts from February, 2008

In Silicon Valley Even the Hotels Have License Agreements

Spotted on a recent walk through San Francisco.

More Cowbell! Record Production using Google Forms and Charts

First, the what : This article shows how to embed a new Google Form into any web page. To demonstrate ths, a chart and form that allow blog readers to control the recording levels of each instrument in Blue Oyster Cult's "(Don't Fear) The Reaper" is used. HTML code from the Google version of the form included on this page is shown and the parts that need to be modified are highlighted. Next, the why : Google recently released an e-mail form feature that allows users of Google Documents to create an e-mail a form that automatically places each user's input into an associated spreadsheet. As it turns out, with a little bit of work, the forms that are created by Google Docs can be embedded into any web page. Now, The Goods: Click on the instrument you want turned up, click the submit button and then refresh the page. Through the magic of Google Forms as soon as you click on submit and refresh this web page, the data chart will update immediately. Turn up the:

Masonic Patent: The Masonic Degrees

Several movies like, National Treasure, Book of Secrets have popularized Masonic imagery. The page 47 mystery and its Masonic ties are highlighted here ... y aquí . This Masonic Patent, (click the image for a larger picture), is representative of the Masonic initiates experience. Masons attend a series of initiations called degrees. There are three initial degrees that an initiate attends before they are a full fledged Master Mason. These are the Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason degrees. Each of these initiations consists of a similar ceremony, each with it's own unique symbolism that imparts some new Masonic lesson. The symbolism of the three initial degrees of Freemasonry with some overlap are shown in the tree highlighted areas of the patent. Much of the source material for these posts will come from the California Grand Lodge's degree manuals . Notice the highlighted text at the bottom of the patent. The degree manual fort the EA has this to say

Masonic Patent

The picture below is of an old, circa 1887, Masonic Patent. The story goes that Masons used to present these to gain access to lodges they visited in their travels. The next several posts will point out some of the symbolism of this patent, and what it means. First though, has any reader seen this patent in their lodge? It portrays the York Rite degrees as the viewers eyes move from top to bottom. I'd like to find out what regions of the country this patent may have been used in.

Boulder, Colorado: Dakota Ridge 360 Degree Snow

The panoramic view from Dakota Ridge during Boulder's Valentine's snowfall.

Boulder Valentine's Snow

It snowed in Boulder on Valentine's creating a beautiful white landscape in town and up on Sanitas Ridge. Dakota Ridge Sanitas Valley Dakota Ridge Spruce St.

Beautiful Boulder Sunrise!

Wednesday morning from the top of Dakota Ridge

The UFO Reader

Today, we take a little break from UFO data analysis to insert a little levity. While Acrobat Reader's default reading voice may not be ideal for say Hemingway or Tolstoy, it's perfect for reading UK Ministry of Defence UFO reports! "An object fell from the sky. It had like a green halo around it." "They were totally still in the sky. They were very white."

Top 9 UK Cities for UFO Sightings: 2007

While I've been reporting on the analysis of Ministry of Defence UFO sighting data for the last decade, UFO sightings continue to occur: read more | digg story Reporter Unemployed Amidst Stephenville UFO Controversy read more | digg story UFO spotted in skies above Grantham? read more | digg story New UFO Sighting in Sthephenville, TX Today, the year by year analysis of the data begins. In 2007 Shrewsbury reported 3 sightings while there were 8 other cities that reported two UFO sightings each. The map and data follow. View Larger Map City # Date Sigthed or Reported Details Shrewsbury 3 12-Nov-07 S A series of lights in a circle that had an inner circle. There were fifteen extra lights on the outside of the outer circle. They were moving clockwise, then anti-clockwise through the sky and then back again. 24-Sep-07 R Four orange lights were seen crossing the sky. There was a gap, and then

Ten Most Consistent UK Cities for UFO Sighting in the Last Decade

Part I Part II Part III Part IV As my track coach used to say: "It's all about consistency!" Shown below are the top ten cities in the UK with the most consistent UFO sightings, year after year. Row Labels 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Grand Total Years With Sitings Leeds 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 10 8 Brighton 3 1 2 1 1 1 9 6 Cardiff 1 2 1 1 2 2 9 6 Glasgow 1 1 1 2 3 1 9 6 Hull 2 7 1 3 1 1 15 6 Liverpool 1 1 1 4 2 2 11 6 Newport/Gwent 1 2 1 1 1 1 7 6 Birmingham 1 2 2 1 1 7 5 Blairgowrie 1 1 1 1 1 5 5