Here's a thing that happens. The 1 Mii Bluetooth 5.3 Transmitter/Reciver shuts off its power automatically when it either doesn't hear audio for five minutes, or when it's not paired to a pair of headphones for five minutes. These are pretty common things when you're out on a POTA camping trip as the gang and I frequently are. (Yes, I do see them. No, I haven't had time to figure out what they are this time :) ) One of my favorite things to do is wake at about 3 in the morning to see what weird things the F2 layer is doing. I can actually hear far away signals when there's not a whole city's worth, (I love you San Francicsco, but geesh), of noise. That's how we wound up talking to three stations in Europe on our last POTA above Mountainair while it was snowing outside! But! If the power goes off on the Bluetooth transmitter now that Project TouCans is completely wireless, then I have to bring the whole rig down to reset it. There's an answer thoug...