"So, How do you measure outcomes?" The engineer meant well, when she asked the question and, to be fair, she'd never heard of unschooling. Still, I had to double-clutch several times as the gears in my mind shifted to traditional schooling terminology. The kids and I were at a small company in San Francisco where they were testing a new game package that was supposed to teach coding. While the kids were testing, another engineer was asking me about the coding work we did at home. I mentioned that the kids had been working through Google's CSFirst for the last several months. This inspired the outcomes question. I went with the not so elegant, but oh so pragmatic initial response of, "What...?" Buying myself some time while I boggled at what the hell an outcome was... Wait, I had it! That's right, other schooling methodologies measure what's 'taught' by 'testing' what the kid has learned compared to 'the expected outcom...