Today is No. 3’s second birthday! All of our kids were homebirths. No. 3 though, was our only solo delivery. We called the midwives at the same time we always had, as contraction began, but No. 3 was ready to go. She arrived five minutes before the midwives. As I scooped her up, she was fascinated with chewing on her foot. What I really needed her to do though was breathe. She couldn’t have been less interested. Consequently, I took her foot away from her mouth. She very calmly, put it back in, and got back to work. We did this two more times before she became frustrated enough that she let out a yell at the offending foot and dad. Hence, No. 3 took her first breaths in the world! Since then, she’s been a little cuddle monkey. Of our kids, No. 3 seems to emit the most endorphins/pheromones. She nuzzled everyone she met when she was little. They’d gasp, and then they’d start to cry; without fail. ...