This is just a series of rather scattered notes on things that I need to keep in mind for the h-ray experiment as well as things that are going on in class this week and how they're not that disconnected. Shubnikov, who I've mentioned before [1], (picture 1), in reference to the intermediate state of superconductors, came up in quantum mechanics class this week. The topic of discussion was Shubnikov-DeHaas oscillations. These are oscillations of the resistance of a material with respect to the strength of the magnetic filed it is exposed to. It occurred to me the the graphs of the oscillating resistance[2], (picture 2 below), looked a bit like magnetron operation because at low magnetic fields nothing much happened due to the field being too low to bend the electrons into a complete orbit. A little more searching and reading revealed I wasn't necessarily the only person who ever thought so. I ca...