This has been fun! KO6BTY and I have been working on QSO maps on 20 meters vs. the F2 layer for the last few years. We finally have a map of the F2 layer, one half hour behind real time with global data provided by the NOAA's GloTEC product . Check it out .
New ham cleans up log book on QRZ with the help of o3-mini. A few days back, after the completion of SKCC month, a ham sent out a message asking others to please post their QSOs ot LoTW and/or for award verification. For me, a light bulb burst on. It does matter that I log my QSOs publicly. It had frankly, never occurred to me before, but it made sense. o3-mini and I got to work. I already have a log book built on Datasette for my QSOs. I just needed to get the QSOs from there and ship them off to . I needed it to be automatic though, since there were more than 1,000 QSOs to transfer. I asked o3-mini to write a Python script to do this for me. I gave it the database schema for my QSO database. I also fed it the l ogging API instructions for I had something that worked well enough after about 40 minutes. After three hours, that included a 40 minute coffe break, I had a script that automatically calculated my tx grid square, (it changes a lot becuase...