I've had issues with my movies on the last two Panasonic cameras I've owned, (the latest is a DC G100 that I'm quite pleased with), showing up 8 hours before, (in file listings), pictures that were taken right next to them (in the scheme of actual time.) I figured out that there are other date fields availabe in the file viewers that have the correct time. Here's a video short of how to to do that. Maybe I'll ask ChatGPT if there's a way to code up something that will make the dates actually match across all the fields later.
I follow both SolderSmoke and Ham Radio Work Bench, so I've been avidly watching the SolderSmoke driect conversion reeiver challenge thrown down by Bill Meara. Bill's said something for year's that's intrigued me: you gotta be able to understand how an RF mixer works. That was paraphrased, of course. I haven't had much success along those lines until today. Looking at the Wikipedia entry for Frequency Mixers, I bludgeoned my way through the diode section, and I finally get it. (OK, I'm a little miffed that I have to take on faith the expression for the current through an ideal diode, but I can let that slide for the moment.) Lo and behold, after a series expansion and a binomial multiplicaiotn, there was the promised expression for the sine of one frequency times the sine of another. Using a high school trig identity, that can be rewritten as a sum of waves one of which is the sum of the two frequencies and one of which is the difference. That's not al...