This is the POTA activation that just keeps giving.
Going through all the recordings of the blustery day POTA from US-0757, I wanted to make a few shorter clips. Consequently, I dusted off my nascent ffmpeg skills. One of the tings I had to find was how to make a video clip. Here's the command I'm using to divide my larger recordings into smaller ones:
fmpeg -i us_0757_waves.mp4 -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:00:48 -c:v copy -c:a copy sm0gjn.mp4
The -i argument is the input recording. -ss denotes where in the recording in hh:mm:ss format I want the clip to start and the -t argument indicates in hh:mm:ss format how long I want the clip to last. The -c arguents are telling ffmpeg to copy both video (:v) and audio (:a). The copy argument says to copy these thingis for the duration of the clip into the file name copying the 'copy' argument, (cm0gjn), in this case.
The clip procesing takes about two seconds, and for me anway, is so much faster than using any GUI video editing program I've found.
I might take this and start to set up an automated clip per QSO. Let's try a few here. The following table shows all the QSOs with their UTC time for the activation
Callsign | rx RST | tx RST | Time (GMT) | Frequency |
sm0gjn | 339 | 339 | 2024/11/18 15:49:00 | 14057.4 |
na7jd | 449 | 599 | 2024/11/18 15:53:00 | 14057.4 |
n1xk | 339 | 519 | 2024/11/18 15:55:00 | 14057.4 |
ve7osh | 339 | 229 | 2024/11/18 16:01:00 | 14057.4 |
kf0ge | 559 | 449 | 2024/11/18 16:03:00 | 14057.4 |
k9osc | 449 | 539 | 2024/11/18 16:05:00 | 14057.4 |
kk7nnc | 579 | 539 | 2024/11/18 16:15:00 | 14057.4 |
n6dxn | 559 | 559 | 2024/11/18 16:03:00 | 14057.4 |
kr4i | 449 | 489 | 2024/11/18 16:30:00 | 14057.4 |
ve6lk | 559 | 539 | 2024/11/18 16:32:00 | 14057.4 |
n0aie | 589 | 549 | 2024/11/18 16:42:00 | 14057.4 |
kn7d | 579 | 559 | 2024/11/18 16:43:00 | 14057.4 |
I already posted the QSO for SM0GJN, so let's try a different one. How about Kr4i? That was at UTC 16:30. Let's see how long this takes. It's 14:26 PST right now. At 14:30, I've made the clip and I'm uploading. At 14:34, I've filled in the YouTube forms and published the clip. Adding it below now.
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