Our unschooling math comes in bits and pieces. The oldest kid here, seven year-old No. 1 loves math problems, so math moves along pretty fast for her. Here’s how she arrived at the distributive property recently. Tldr; it came about only because she needed it. “Give me a math problem!” No. 1 asked Mom-person. “OK, what’s 18 divided by 2? But, you’re going to have to do it as you walk. You and Dad need to head out.” And so, No. 1 and I found ourselves headed out on our mini-adventure with a new math problem to discuss. One looked at the ceiling of the library lost in thought as we walked. She glanced down at her fingers for a moment. “Is it six?” “I don’t know, let’s see,” I hedged. “What’s two times six? Is it eighteen?” One looked at me hopefully heading back into her mental math. I needed to visit the restroom before we left, so I hurried her calculation along. “What’s two times five?” I got a grin, and anoth...