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Let Kids Wear What They Wanna Wear

Just a pointer on kids and clothes.  Not about your kids per se, what you do with your kids is your and their business, but more about kids in general.  Please, let them where what they wanna wear, and keep your comments to yourself.

Fortunately, the gang here hasn’t ever been hassled about their clothes.  Their shoestrings on more than one occasion, but so far, not their clothes.  (Which isn’t to say I haven’t been regaled with the ‘your baby’s too warm/cold/temperate’ nonsense, because I have, but the kids haven’t.)  The fact that the gang have not been hit up about their clothes is somewhat amazing.  Given that they wear a combination of all their available clothes including the clothes I wore as a kid—apparently my dad’s a bit of a clothes archivist, who knew?—the kids here on any given day look very much like Tyler Durden curated their ensemble.  Still, while we get the occasional wide-eyed look from folks on the sidewalks of San Francisco—to be fair, highly stoned folks—we’ve yet to hear a disparaging word about their attire.

Here’s the stinky bit though: I’ve been hearing lately that other kids do get this special brand of nonsense.  So, let me reiterate—lest we forget—let kids wear what they want, keep your comments to yourselves.  To avoid doing this, might I suggest you first analyze your underlying assumptions.  You might think the kid’s parent picked out their clothes.  I hear that happens a lot.  It doesn’t happen here, but I’m told other parents lay out outfits in the morning.  I’m here to tell you, if you think you gotta comment on it, the kid probably picked out the clothes.

And here’s the thing, that kid you’re looking at with the oddball vestment is a kid who’s going to grow up into an adult that’s not going to need you or anyone else to make up their mind for them.  Kinda nice right?  One thing less for you to do, or complain about—because let’s face it, if you’re commenting on kids clothes, do you really do much of anything but whine?

Another huge perk.  The kid’s parent got a little bit of head room when they didn’t spend the time to pick out the clothes or argue about them.  That has positive ramifications for you as well.  Not the least of which is when you moan about whatever’s on your mind, they’re more likely to show you just a modicum of patience rather than yelling out of the area.

One final advantage for the rest of us.  We get to see an array of outfits that brightens the day.  It’s magnificent.  I see outfits daily that shine light on my assumption and biases so I can subsequently get to work stamping them out like the pesky little mind fires that they are.

So, when you see an oddball outfit, just enjoy, the auteur who painstakingly assembled it really doesn’t need your input.


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